
Thursday, 2 February 2017

The Abomination of Desolation

The Islamic structure of the dome of the rock has the satanic image in stone marbling. That image is on the holiest place in the world and this is Satan speaking through Isaiah 14:13 ‘I will sit on the Mount of Assembly in the recesses of the north’. God said to him in Ezekiel 28: 14-16 ‘You were on the holy mountain of God- but I cast you off’.  So here you have Satan trying to get back to that place where he saw himself as greater than God, not to praise God but to defile the place God has chosen to put his name.
Satan was an anointed cherub, and cherubs are in the place of God’s presence. In the Temple Mount you had the holy of holies and it had 2 covering cherubs standing face to face towards the mercy seat. There are 2 faces on the marble on the dome of the rock; the same image of the face of Satan facing each other in the exact same place in the recesses of the north of the Temple. The enemy will always seek to defile and to change what is holy.

We read in 1 Maccabees 1:54 where Antiochus Epiphanes overrun Israel and erected the ‘abomination of desolation’ on the Temple Mount above the altar and sacrificed to the pagan idol of the Greek god Zeus. Jesus mentions this in Matthew 24:15 and spoke of this as the forerunner or shadow of what was to come.
The next abomination of desolation was in 70AD when the Romans
destroy the Temple in the name of their god who was Jupiter; well Jupiter is another name for Zeus whose other name is Baal and the Romans offer up sacrifices to Jupiter on the destroyed Temple Mount.
In the next century the Emperor Hadrian whose name means ‘the dark one’, he decides to rename Jerusalem and it is going to be named after Jupiter. A pig was carved over one of the gates to honour the 10th Legion that had wrecked the city under Titus. A temple to Jupiter was erected at the sight of Solomon's Temple. A statue to Hadrian was erected on the spot that had been occupied by the Holy of Holies.

In Ezekiel 36; 2 the enemy says ‘Aha these mountains have become our possession’. So for 2000 years the enemy has been trying to prevent the Jewish people from coming to their high place, to Calvary, preventing the Jewish people for coming to their Salvation, not only spiritually but physically, because you have the ‘abomination of desolation’ of today in the form of the Al-Aqsa mosque which is square shaped and the ‘dome of the rock’ which is polygon shaped which is built on the Temple Mount. These are super imposed over the exact spot where Hadrian built his temple to Jupiter.